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Give Employees Choice and Flexibility With Technology

Better online service in the consumer world has dramatically changed what employees expect from their employer. Technology gives employees choice and flexibility. Every shop, restaurant and service provider has an app and easy to use self-service –employees expect the same at work.

Alongside the expectation of apps and online service is the ability to personalize. Technology allows consumers to mix and match to find the combination that suits them best, within their budget. This is also filtering down to employers – some employees want more holidays, others want extended medical insurance. Allowing flexibility is often expected and can be a key retention tool.

The journey is similar in the world of mobility. In the past, mobility programs were relatively fixed with one-size-fits-all benefits and processes. This approach was partly due to lack of expectations and partly due to practical necessity – there was no way to efficiently manage anything more complex.

Now, mobility teams are adapting to offer more flexibility and provide better online service. Using portals and apps to relay documents and data is the first step and a basic requirement. Next comes flexibility and interactivity, which Equus’ new employee elections feature aims to deliver.

What examples of flexibility and interactivity can employee elections deliver?
  • Add flex by giving employees choice over their benefits. Some may choose to extend temporary accommodation in lieu of cultural training.  Others may cash out a housing benefit. Such choices can be set within a budget, so they remain cost-neutral to the employer, thus helping enhance employee experience at no extra cost.
  • Add interactivity (and efficiency) by automatically asking an employee for a decision. For example, what do they want to do when their lease is due for renewal. Automatically pushing this decision to the employee in an app allows the mobility team to efficiently obtain decisions and have the employee’s decisions flow directly to downstream vendors.

Employees Choice and Flexibility These are just two examples of using employee elections to deliver a consumer level online service to employees, without adding admin or cost to the mobility team.

Using technology in this way can ensure that mobility teams keep up with employee expectations and stay relevant. Leading to higher employee satisfaction, and more efficient mobility teams, and a happy business.

Contact us today to learn more.

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